From Redemption to Responsibility: Spiritual Introspection During the Omer
After the joyous experience of the Passover seder, in which we retell the story of our liberation and redemption, we begin to count the Omer. This time helps us to spiritually prepare to receive the Torah on the holiday of Shavuot.
Join My Jewish Learning and Abby Eisenberg for this 3-week class in which we will explore the middot, or character traits of generosity, responsibility and humility through meditation, text study and journaling. We'll also touch on compassion, gratitude and chesed (generous acts of love and kindness).
Inspired by the Mussar approach of working daily to improve and integrate essential positive character traits into our lives, we will glean key teachings from Torah, rabbinic and Mussar texts to support our goal of leading a more deeply ethical and spiritual life, this year and beyond.