Intro to Canasta

with Dara Collins and Donna Miller-Small, authors of "Modern American Canasta: The Complete Guide"

4 Sundays at 7:30 p.m. ET

Feb. 16-March 9

Even if you used to watch your bubbe play canasta, there’s no getting around it: The legendary card game popular with Jews is tricky to learn on your own.

Luckily, you’ll be able to join in the fun in no time, because two of the country’s expert canasta teachers have teamed up with Kveller to offer our first Intro to Canasta class.

Over the course of four Sunday evenings, you’ll watch Dara Collins and Donna Miller-Small, authors of “Modern American Canasta: The Complete Guide,” as they walk you through gameplay from an absolute beginner standpoint. You’ll get recordings of the classes to look over on your own (for a limited time), along with other sheets, materials and tips designed to help you retain all of the information.

Of course, you’ll also be connecting with a community of beginner Jewish and non-Jewish canasta players from around the world. 

So let the canasta games begin!

Purchases of this course are non-refundable. The recording of Class 1 will not expire, but the other class recordings will only be available for one month after the final class date.

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Dara Collins grew up in New York listening to the sounds of her mom and friends mixing mah jongg tiles. Today she runs Modern Mah Jongg, which teaches players around the world how to play and hosts in-person events and Zoom talks with well-known authors, speakers, teachers, players and collectors.

Donna Miller-Small has taught thousands of students mah jongg and canasta for 15 years at libraries, adult education programs and community centers. She got the “card” gene from her parents, both Life Master Bridge Players, and she fondly remembers endless hours of card-playing, including canasta, with her family.