Yiddish Level 2

7 Mondays at 11 a.m. ET

Nov. 4 - Dec 16

Your purchase comes with all recordings and learning materials from Level 1!

All classes will be recorded and sent to registrants.

Finally, a Yiddish class for everyone.

Yiddish is more than a language: It's a culture, a tradition, a vital connector to past generations of Jews around the world. And that can make it feel a little intimidating.

Thankfully, My Jewish Learning has set up a course designed to help anyone get a taste of the language and its cultural significance.

Whether you want to learn some basic phrases or strive to have entire conversations in the language, this curriculum, designed by Tel Aviv University instructor Daniel Birnbaum, will help you achieve your Yiddish goals.

If you're starting from square one, don't worry — your purchase of this class comes with all of the materials from our first Intro to Yiddish class from this fall, so you can learn the basics at your own pace!

Each week for seven weeks, you will receive:

-Expert instruction from a teacher who has guided students at all levels and from all over the world

-Recordings of each class to rewatch — and they never expire

-A textbook designed by your teacher with optional homework exercises

-Extra worksheets to practice the alphabet and other crucial topics

-Access to a community of fellow enthusiastic learners from around the world

We can't wait to get learning with you!

This purchase is non-refundable.

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Meet Your Teacher

Daniel Birnbaum has been teaching Yiddish to students from Israel and around the world since 2007. Daniel holds a B.A. in Liberal Arts from Oberlin College and an M.A. in Comparative Literature from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Daniel has taught classes at Tel Aviv University, Beth Sholem Aleichem and YIVO. Daniel has developed an original Yiddish textbook for first and second year students, as well as an online Yiddish curriculum. Over the years, he has connected with hundreds of students who seek an access point to Yiddish language and culture, and he delights in providing an opening to the richness of that tradition for people from a variety of backgrounds.

About My Jewish Learning

My Jewish Learning is the internet's leading pluralistic Jewish education resource. We offer thousands of articles, videos, live classes and other resources to help you navigate all aspects of Judaism and Jewish life — from Jewish ritual and practice to texts to history and culture.

My Jewish Learning is geared toward all backgrounds and levels of knowledge and is a part of 70 Faces Media, the largest Jewish digital media organization in North America.